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return from a long hiatus
Grameramera 10:15 PM on October 05, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Best Pony
Posts: 893
Total: 1255
The old web server's CPU melted down and the computer proved unrepairable. Fortunately, I acquired a slightly better (10% better*) computer at the auction today - and SATA/Ubuntu is essentially plug-and-play - so it's now back up and running.

I'm trying to finish my degree in a little over a month, so this entire project is very much on the back burner until after that time.

* according to PassMark

ScouSin: Damn you Gaku! Damn you and your; "Be patient, and if you don't want to, tough, because I'm going to be all mystical about it!"
KingBlax: It's telling you to go outside, with no flash-light in the woods, and find a dead body, you eat dinner if you find 1. You die in the wilderness if you don't find 1 or at least bring something interesting back.
./personal_problem.sh -q > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Locke 2:46 AM on October 07, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 732
Total: 1964
Good luck

Did you know you have ads on the side of the page now and certain words are highlighted in posts?

When did you add that?

Signatures are SO last decade.
Grameramera 6:08 AM on October 07, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Best Pony
Posts: 893
Total: 1255
reply to Locke:

On the side of the page? not sure what you mean.

And are you talking about searches? http://www.terulia.com/?t=2360

ScouSin: Damn you Gaku! Damn you and your; "Be patient, and if you don't want to, tough, because I'm going to be all mystical about it!"
KingBlax: It's telling you to go outside, with no flash-light in the woods, and find a dead body, you eat dinner if you find 1. You die in the wilderness if you don't find 1 or at least bring something interesting back.
./personal_problem.sh -q > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Locke 11:38 AM on October 07, 2013 [ edited by Locke at 7:11 PM on 10-07-2013 ] (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 732
Total: 1964
I mean this: http://i.imgur.com/M5OgEhP.jpg

The column on the left and the way certain words are highlighted so if you move the cursor over them they pop up ads.

I was just making light of them.

Signatures are SO last decade.
Grameramera 1:44 PM on October 07, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Best Pony
Posts: 893
Total: 1255
I think that might be due to Chrome and/or Google. That wasn't something I added.

ScouSin: Damn you Gaku! Damn you and your; "Be patient, and if you don't want to, tough, because I'm going to be all mystical about it!"
KingBlax: It's telling you to go outside, with no flash-light in the woods, and find a dead body, you eat dinner if you find 1. You die in the wilderness if you don't find 1 or at least bring something interesting back.
./personal_problem.sh -q > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Locke 2:59 PM on October 07, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 732
Total: 1964
Well, strangely, it only happens on this site. Who knows.

Signatures are SO last decade.
Grameramera 10:32 PM on October 07, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Best Pony
Posts: 893
Total: 1255
reply to Locke:



ScouSin: Damn you Gaku! Damn you and your; "Be patient, and if you don't want to, tough, because I'm going to be all mystical about it!"
KingBlax: It's telling you to go outside, with no flash-light in the woods, and find a dead body, you eat dinner if you find 1. You die in the wilderness if you don't find 1 or at least bring something interesting back.
./personal_problem.sh -q > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Locke 10:41 PM on October 08, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 732
Total: 1964
Hey, that fixed it!


Signatures are SO last decade.
Shane 11:55 AM on October 11, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: King of the Bidoofs
Posts: 1146
Total: 1856
Hey, look, Gaku isn't dead!

Loubobindahouse 10:38 PM on October 12, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Total: 3
Rest in peace my old friend, rest in peace...
Loubob Shalt miss thee

MoonCross 9:40 PM on October 14, 2013 [ edited by MoonCross at 10:12 PM on 10-16-2013 ] (+0/-0)

Group: Members
Posts: 113
Total: 237
I was wondering why the forums has been down, sheesh!
Anyways YAY!


What now?
Dr. Letha 5:01 PM on October 15, 2013 (+2/-0)
Group: Elf
Posts: 883
Total: 1836
Welcome back. Chief.

As someone who recently entered the college life, good luck on the degree, yo.

Cea 6:17 PM on October 18, 2013 (+0/-0)

Group: Not a Stupid Title
Posts: 850
Total: 1990
gaku was ded and i moved on
then he suggenly alive
gaku is *****............

haha ^ ultra-nazi conservative filters blocked a compliment

A good player knows how to play his class. An elitist knows how to play everyone else's class.
Lotho 7:01 AM on October 24, 2013 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 44
Total: 102
Cea wrote:
gaku was ded and i moved on
then he suggenly alive
gaku is *****............

haha ^ ultra-nazi conservative filters blocked a compliment

Gaku is love
Gaku is life

Rika domain says: Which way?
Icux domain says: I would go X.
Icux domain says: To the right.
Rika domain says: I found it!
Rika was tragically doinked to death!
MoonCross 11:37 AM on October 24, 2013 (+0/-0)

Group: Members
Posts: 113
Total: 237
Lotho wrote:
Cea wrote:
gaku was ded and i moved on
then he suggenly alive
gaku is *****............

haha ^ ultra-nazi conservative filters blocked a compliment

Gaku is love
Gaku is life

Gaku is Bunnies!?


What now?
BlueMage1 12:02 AM on April 22, 2017 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Total: 1
I dont know if any of you remember me. Ive been around since the birth of ffo and unfortunately the death when it became terulia. I am offering to host both FFO and Terulia permanantly as i am in a nostalgic mood and i want to play one of the best tribute games ever made. gaku lets make this happen maybe deeds will come back haha

Mint 2:25 PM on April 27, 2017 (+0/-0)
Group: Tried to Sleep with a Platypus
Posts: 164
Total: 234
BlueMage1 wrote:
I dont know if any of you remember me. Ive been around since the birth of ffo and unfortunately the death when it became terulia. I am offering to host both FFO and Terulia permanantly as i am in a nostalgic mood and i want to play one of the best tribute games ever made. gaku lets make this happen maybe deeds will come back haha

He sold FFO to Dricien dude. It's playable here: http://www.byond.com/games/Kylemark/WorldAtWar .

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