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News Topics Replies Last Post
This is your captain speaking.
58 959
2:25 PM on 04-27-2017
in: return from a long hiatus
by: Mint
Guides and Moderation
Policies, abuse, and moderation issues.
87 1876
3:24 PM on 12-02-2012
in: Abuse by the admin(s)
by: Draven
Terulia Forums Topics Replies Last Post
Forum Developments
a.k.a. Updates.
79 262
5:26 PM on 07-31-2015
in: custom user titles
by: Elias
Forum Comments and Suggestions
leave 'em
69 320
12:31 AM on 01-19-2013
in: Ad Blocking
by: Professor
Forum Bug Reports
Because this is a work in progress.
54 191
11:05 PM on 04-05-2014
in: intermittent downtime
by: Grameramera
Final Fantasy Online / Terulia Topics Replies Last Post
FFO/Terulia Discussion
Ideas and Comments
253 4118
7:27 AM on 07-13-2024
in: Wow, how long has this been back up?
by: Locke
FFO/Terulia Updates
See what changes are being made to the game.
42 0
10:32 PM on 07-30-2014
in: July 2014
by: Grameramera
FFO/Terulia Suggestions
Submit your ideas.
456 6432
3:29 PM on 05-06-2014
in: Terulia suggestions
by: MoonCross
FFO/Terulia Bug Reports
Help fix problems that you find!
248 889
12:35 AM on 07-29-2013
in: ?
by: Shane
Terulia Relay Chat Topics Replies Last Post
TRC Discussion
including comments & suggestions
40 154
11:19 PM on 04-15-2013
in: tertulia?
by: Banaman
TRC Bug Reports
Please be as descriptive as possible.
18 45
9:58 PM on 09-12-2012
in: Another Like Notification Problem
by: Professor
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